Fear is an emotion, not a stock indicator.
Ich hatte eine sehr exakte Vorstellung davon, was ich gerade jetzt von diesem ansehnlichen Fremden verlangt hätte. Und dabei wäre seiner angeblich so geschickten Zunge definitiv eine der Hauptrollen zugefallen.
Be willing to listen to the voice of God.
Elohim is my salvation, my strength and my song.
Great God of wonders; my rock and my redeemer!
Hal lain yang menghalangi produktivitas ialah pujian kritisi. Pujian itu bagai menantang saya, agar saya menulis yang nilainya sama dengan apa yang terbaik telah saya tulis selama ini.
A conscience is that still small voice that people won't listen to.
Puerto Rico was the Republic of Texas on jet-fuel testosterone and psychedelic estrogen.
We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams.
We tend to get a little information before we off people. It’s not a play by ear sort of deal.
Niekados nesišaipyk iš žmogaus, kurį myli ir kuris dar labiau myli tave, ir niekados jam nepriekaištauk! Tikrą meilę patiri tik kartą per visą inkarnaciją.
I felt like poisoning a monk.
Wäre ich ein Zimmermann, würde ich dir ein Fenster zu meiner Seele zimmern. Wenn du hineinschauen würdest, sähest du dich selbst in der Scheibe gespiegelt. Und dann wüsstest du, dass meine Seele ein Spiegelbild von deiner ist.
Ajoelhou-se ao piano, acariciou as teclas, os pedais, a madeira, e abraçou-o, parecendo abraçar um homem gordo e grande para o qual os seus braços franzinos não chegavam. Homem amado, tantos anos doce, agora amargo de silêncio.
Sunday, the day for the language of leisure.
Scores of studies have shown that venting doesn't soothe anger; it fuels it.
Daddy, What's the horizontal tango?
Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid.
Over thinking ruins moods and kills good vibes.
Sin is the native language in every ZIP code.
When I act tough they listen politely till the spasm passes. They know.