Ist nicht eigentliches Ziel von Roman und Museum, unsere Erinnerungen so aufrichtig wie möglich zu erzählen und dadurch unser Glück in das Glück anderer zu verwandeln?
Music oft hath such a charm To make bad good, and good provoke to harm.
Bahwa karena kau menyukai banyak hal sederhana, itu berarti kau akan merasa bahagia karena hal-hal yang sederhana pula.
Ada banyak hal yang bisa jadi terlupakan, penting ataupun tidak. Seringnya, terjadi karena tertindih oleh memori-memori baru yang berdesakan. Ingatan itu masih ada. Hanya terpinggirkan sementara.
The ticking of the clock has gotten so loud." - 74
For in music there is no material to be deducted.
(LBJ) had what a journalist calls “a genius for analogy”— made the point unforgettably, in dialect, in the rhythmic cadences of a great storyteller. Master of the senate
Had records so stellar, they had to lock their resumes in a drawer at night, so the golden light streaming from the pages wouldn't keep them awake.
Money talks and I listen.
Mr. Armstrong has strong arms. Probably from bicycling so much. And steroids.
Getting lost is just another way of saying 'going exploring.
para pemeluk agama pasti marah jika tahu aku mengatakan hal itu, karena mereka hanya memeluk agama, cuma meluk jadi cenggur. beda dengan penyetubuh/pengencuk agama yang paham dengan agamanya hingga bisa klimaks dengan Tuhan. Met pacaran ma Tuhan Cuuk...
Information paints no picture, sings no song, and writes no poem.
Bulgaria, I reflected as I walked back to the hotel, isn’t a country; it’s a near-death experience.
Bila kalian merasakan sangat baik melakukan suatu hal dengan usaha yang minimum, mungkin itu adalah misi hidup yang diberikan Tuhan.
Some churches, sects, cults or religious movements are basically collective egoic entities, as rigidly identified with their mental positions as the followers of any political ideology that is closed to any alternative interpretation of reality.
Singing in the rain. I'm singing in the rain. And it's such a fucking glorious feeling.
What writing means to me? -Releasing my wolves... (Natasa Alina Culea)
The sun?" Goldman said in an unguarded moment. "I hear they've shot it.
El Sufismo es sistematizado sólo por períodos transitorios o limitados; él es principalmente instrumental, no para disfrute o exposición.
Hope was a fool’s emotion.