I'm not one who divides music, dance or art into various categories. Either something works, or it doesn't.
Some people ask the secret of our long marriage. We take time to go to a restaurant two times a week. A little candlelight, dinner, soft music and dancing. She goes Tuesdays, I go Fridays.
The dark-haired girl behind Winston had begun crying out: 'Swine! Swine! Swine!', and suddenly she picked up a heavy Newspeak dictionary and flung it at the screen.
I’m very close to my dad. He’s about six inches away right now and snoring in my ears.
Books? They're heavy and take up room in my already bulging backpack. But I have a thing about books.
Tentang kopi kesukaanmu, cappucino, kopi itu bukan dari italia. Aslinya berasal dari biji-biji kopi Turki yang tertinggal di medan perang di Kahlenberg. Hanya sebuah info pengetahuan kecil-kecilan. Assalamu’alaikum” — Fatma, 99 Cahaya di Langit...
The Rockies are the backbone of this country. And I’m no doctor, but I think we have scoliosis.
My name is MooMoo Cowlishaw, and I’m as vapid as vapor. Gaze at me grazing.
But as an escort it’s our duty to hold their attention and play with their heads. The one between their ears and the one in their pants.
Wahrscheinlich werde ich jede Nacht von dir träumen", sagte er. "Und wenn ich aufwache, weiß ich, dass der beste Teil des Tages schon vorbei ist." "Das hast du irgendwo gelesen." "Hab ich nicht.
Setiap hari aku berandai-andai, membayangkan betapa beruntungnya aku jika bisa selalu bersama hal seindah dirimu seumur hidupku.
This was an urban legend that didn't make it on to Snopes.com
Donc, en résumant, si Alix Alix fendait l'écume sinistre d'un orage au guidon d'un engin formaté "Rencontre du troisième type", il le devait à Bella Bonifaci. Initiales B.B., oui. Coincidence écoeurante. Bella Bonifaci, l'amour de sa vie.
Estudio español, latín y teología, pero desde niño deseaba conocer el mundo y esto era más importante que conocer a Dios y a los pecados de los hombres.
Dreams are the language of God.
Because there is a need to hear one story and to tell another.
Estudió latín, español y teología. pero desde niño deseaba conocer el mundo y esto era más importante que conocer a Dios y a los pecados de los hombres.
Dream Song: In the heavens A noise, Like the rustling of the trees.
Bertemu dengan seseorang yang bisa diajak bicara tanpa henti memang merupakan hal yang membahagiakan. Akan tetapi, menurutku, bertemu seseorang yang terasa sangat nyaman meskipun tidak berkata apa-apa itu adalah anugrah.
Poetry is prose in slow motion.
The reading of good books could soothe human stupidity, the problem is that human stupidity does not like to read.