Homer Stokes: This band of miscreants, this very evening, interfered with a lynch mob in the performance of its duty.
Frank: Surprised to see me here? Harmonica: I knew you'd come.
[repeated line] Maximillian Cohen: When I was a little kid, my mother told me not to stare into the sun, so when I was six I did...
George Parker: Where's my dinner?
Tangina: Y'all mind hanging back? You're jamming my frequency.
Steve: [skeleton hits the windshield] Oh, shit!
Geppetto: [waking up to a loud crashing noise] Who's there? Pinocchio: It's me. Geppetto: [relieved] Oh, it's me. [starts to lie back down, then suddenly sits up boltright] Geppetto: Huh? Shhh! Figaro, there's somebody in here!
Hrundi V. Bakshi: [to Fred] She's having the birdie num nums.
Angus: Official sources word today sad to announce this separation of Simon and Eleanor, after 17 hours of marriage. It is understood due to musical differences.
Belloq: It's a transmitter, a radio for speaking to God.
Mickey: You're a bum, Rock. You're a bum. Rocky: I ain't no bum, Mick. I ain't no bum.
Captain Frye: Me and my boys are cocked, locked and ready to rock.
Cable car conductor: [as cable car careens down street] We're gonna crash! Save yourselves! Oh, my baby!
Raymond: 'Course I got Jeopardy! at five o'clock. I watch Jeopardy! Charlie: Don't start with that, Ray.
Ray Budds: I didn't hear it... swear to God!
[first lines] Henry Styles: Morning, professor. Finbar McBride: Good morning.
Lt. Commander Worf: [before blasting some Borg] Assimilate this!
[Troi is drunk] Cmdr. Deanna Troi: I'm just trying to blend in! Cmdr. William Riker: You're blended all right.
Snow White: I'm wishing. Snow White's Echo: I'm wishing.
Jack Torrance: I'll just set my bourbon and advocaat down right there.
[Donkey keeps humming the "Duloc" song] Shrek: All right, you're going the right way for a smacked bottom. Donkey: Sorry 'bout that.