Quelle sarebbero state le parole finali ma... Ancora il fascino?
Cos'è quella sensazione che si prova quando ci si allontana in macchina dalle persone e le si vede recedere nella pianura fino a diventare macchioline e disperdersi? È il mondo troppo grande che ci sovrasta, è l'Addio. Ma intanto, ci si proietta i...
Suomesta ei saa koskaan tulla samanlaista kuin Amerikasta! Mä haluan, että ihmiset voi olla täällä aina aidosti vapaita ja sanoa ja puhua mitä huvittaa.
Näyttäkää mulle tyytyväinen feministi niin mä näytän teille Jari Sillanpään tyttöystävän.
As fi vrut sa pastrez doar creierul primitiv, sa ma topesc de dragoste si sa ma invinetesc de ura, sa salivez, sa gafai, sa tusesc, sa stranut, sa sughit, sa-mi bata inima si sa-mi filtrez sangele prin rinichi si sa-mi omor microbii in limfa, totul i...
Sînt imorală, grozavă, brutală și mă mănâncă pielea, cu ce te pot servi?
She was a monster, but she was my monster.
Už jsem řekl, že samostatnost imaga zůstává nevědomá, neboť se ztotožňuje se samostatností objektu. Smrt objektu by tedy měla vyvolat zvláštní psychologické účinky, neboť objekt pak úplně nemizí – existuje v nehmatatelné for...
Je ne dois qu'à moi seul toute ma renommée." ( )
i dtuairim cháich má fágbhadh m'ainnir faoi fhód, níor bhuadhaigh bás ar Mháire im mheabhair-se fós.
My mother is my hero.
Non tutti i sognatori sono uomini liberi, ma tutti gli uomini liberi sono sognatori.
—Elle m'a pas recconue! —C'est parce qu'elle vous a jamais vue.
My mom used to say that Greek Easter was later because then you get stuff cheaper.
I had so many offers after 'True Blood' for things that were someone in the same vein, but nowhere near Alan Ball's vision. Or something that was over-the-top and fantastical. And I've always wanted to play the regular, working-class mom, and I've ne...
My mom and dad put my brother and sister through university and they were very keen for us to have an academic background just to give us a chance.
You know when everyone's watching, your mom and dad, your friends in high school who thought they were better than you. You get your chance to get in the spotlight and shine.
My mom didn't let me play video games growing up, so now I do. Gaming gives me a chance to just let go, blow somebody up and fight somebody from another dimension. It's all escapism.
My mom used to model when she was younger, before she went to law school, and I think she thought it was pretty cool. I think my parents saw that acting ultimately made me happy, even though it was a rough ride for a little bit.
In Fargo, they say, well, that's a job. How well do you get paid? For example, for this book I was written about in Entertainment Weekly, and it was kind of cool because my mom asked me if Entertainment Weekly was a magazine or a newspaper.
They very seldom let me lose my cool. They made me like I was Polly Perfect, which was ridiculous so that when I bump into kids on the street they'd say 'I wish my Mom were like you.'