A man without a beard is like bread without a crust.
As one devil goes out, another one comes in.
Dogs cannot make dreams come true -- people must do that.
Don't laugh when your neighbors oven is on fire.
Even the hardest of winters fears the spring.
Even the smallest drop is appreciated by the drunkard.
Fear and love do not go together.
For every head a hat.
From a big cloud comes little rain.
God gave teeth; He will give bread.
Gold glitters even in the mud.
Good eyes don't fear smoke.
If it weren't for sorrow and bad times, every day would be Christmas.
If you go to bed hungry, you'll wake up without having slept.
It is difficult to teach a cow to climb a tree.
It is easier to give orders than to work.
Not all that glitters is gold; not all that is sticky is tar.
Offer the lazy an egg, and they'll want you to peel it for them.
Offer the lazy man an egg, and he'll want you to peel it for him.
Sleep on a bed of silver and dream of gold.
Smoke in your own country is purer than fire in a foreign land.