Data may disappoint, but it never lies.
Insight and drive are all the skills you need. Everything else can be hired.
An average idea enthusiastically embraced will go farther than a genius idea no one gets.
Billions of dollars worth of research knowledge lie dormant at American universities waiting for the right disruptor to come along and create a business.
Problems are just businesses waiting for the right entrepreneur to unlock the value.
Those that recognize the inevitability of change stand to benefit the most from it.
The customer is always right...even when they're wrong.
If you can imagine a solution, you can make it happen.
The best big idea is only going to be as good as its implementation.
Our world's future is far more malleable and controllable than most people realize.
There are two types of people in this world: those whose look for opportunity and those who make it happen.
No one who ever led a nation got there by following the path of another.
The majority of people are not willing to risk what they have built for the opportunity to have something better.
The difference between successful and unsuccessful people is that successful ones know that the most unprofitable thing ever manufactured is an excuse.
Disruption isn't about what happens to you, it's about how you respond to what happens to you.
Self-disruption is akin to undergoing major surgery, but you are the one holding the scalpel.
A negative mind will never find success. I have never heard a positive idea come from a person in a negative state.
Your energy is a valuable resource, distribute it wisely.
Accepting that the odds are against you is the same as accepting defeat before you begin.
You can truly have it all, just not all at the same time.
Plan for ways to get more enjoyment into your life and you will get more joy out of it.