But glad to have sat under Thunder and rain with you, And grateful too For sunlight on the garden.
He tried to name which of the deadly seven might apply, and when he failed he decided to append an eighth, regret.
How dare you say it's nothing to me? Baby, you're the only light I ever saw.
[No single] explanation will ever contain the final answer for all time, for all hearers. There is always, ALWAYS more to learn.
We always been rich, Lydia. We just ain't had much money.
You have captured me utterly, and you hold my heart in your hands. Be gentle with it. It's more fragile than you might think.
But there was a difference between being stuck and choosing to stay. Between being found and finding yourself.
I have carried that ring every moment of the last twelve years. I bought it the day after I first saw you at the ball. The ruby reminded me of the rose gleaming in your black hair." ~Lord Malcom Ashford
Sometimes in life, you do things you don’t want to. Sometimes you sacrifice, sometimes you compromise. Sometimes you let go and sometimes you fight. It’s all about deciding what’s worth losing and what’s worth keeping.
Having low self-esteem and a shield of lard are not guarantees of safety. Having a warrior spirit, high self worth (most people are assaulted by someone they know, so if you think you're only worthy of hanging out with controlling low-life's, that's ...
The world is an asylum where the inmates keep the warders in their place.
Warum wollen sie unbedingt, dass ich den Auftrag storniere?' Der Mann klingt auf einmal misstrauisch. 'Seid ihr überbucht?' 'Ich will Ihnen nur helfen. Wirklich, unsere Kurse sind grottenschlecht. Es ist immer die gleiche Teamwork-Botschaft, nur unt...
School forces unique individuals to think, act, and, look alike.
School overpopulates students’ minds with too much of what happened yesterday; seldom with what the students can do today, or, tomorrow.
Every intelligent being, whether it breathes or not, coughs nervously at some time in its life.
In a nutshell, the universe is 4% visible, 23% undetectable and 73% unimaginable. Welcome to the cosmos, full of mass you can measure but not manhandle, driven by a force you can infer but not explain.
Houses are like people, Agent Lemieux. They have secrets. I'll tell you something I've learned.' Armand Gamache dropped his voice so that Agent Lemieux had to strain to hear. 'Do you know what makes us sick, Agent Lemieux?' Lemieux shook his head. Th...
If you want to know the outcome of a game before the game has even started, you need to control each side.
There are a lot of valid reasons for wanting to feel safer. But hiding from pain or perceived threats behind a wall of weight is not the way to go about it. First of all, being a fat adult will never change the circumstances of anyone's childhood. Th...
Be a Cinchy Saver ™!
Suddenly I grasped what was happening- they were all trying to save me. I never thought I was worth saving.