Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.
On the other hand, the waging of peace as a science, as an art, is in its infancy. But we can trace its growth, its steady progress, and the time will come when there will be particular individuals designated to assume responsibility for and leadersh...
The art of communication is the language of leadership.
Good management is the art of making problems so interesting and their solutions so constructive that everyone wants to get to work and deal with them.
By giving the leadership to the private sector in a capitalistic society, we're going to measure the value of art by how many products we can sell.
The art of leadership is saying no, not saying yes. It is very easy to say yes.
Banul este, de fapt, simbolul nevoii de control a omului, al fricilor sale. În lipsa acestor frici, izvorâte din instinctul de supraviețuire, banii nu ar fi existat.
Time investment is the NEW Time Management.
Leadership appears to be the art of getting others to want to do something you are convinced should be done.
World domination is such an ugly phrase. I prefer to call it world optimisation.
I poured a compass into my coffee, to give the flavor some direction.
Developing and implementing IT governance design effectiveness and efficiency can be a multidirectional, interactive, iterative, and adaptive process.
The influence of the future on the past," said Morel enthusiastically, almost inaudibly.
Freewill does not impune the sovereignty of God, it in fact affirms it.
—¿Así que no vas a preguntar? Lo estudié, entrecerrando los ojos. Tenía un mal presentimientos sobre esto. Pero las palabras salieron de mi boca, totalmente fuera de mi control. —¿Por qué te llaman Horse? —Porque me cuelga como a uno —r...
Think big from the beginning.
Because widespread participation is so central to popular sovereignty, we can say that the less political participation there is in a society, the weaker the democracy.
Western "freedom" is a sophisticated form of control.
I tell myself that with enough effort, I can control my feelings.
Great Leadership sometimes requires taking a step backward in order to take a leap forward.
It is a mournful task to break the sombre attachments of the past.