Eleven persons take eleven paths.
Giving advice to a stupid man is like giving salt to a squirrel.
I bought the nettle, sowed the nettle, and then the nettle stung me.
Ignorance is the peace of life.
Life is like a lamp flame; it needs a little oil now and then.
O daughter, I'm telling you. O daughter-in-law, listen to it.
One and one are sometimes eleven.
One man can burn water, whereas another cannot even burn oil.
One man cut the barrage, and a thousand people fell into the river.
One man's beard is on fire, and another man warms his hands on it.
Saving mustard seeds in hand, while a watermelon escapes.
The customers are known to the shopkeepers.
The fall is nobody's sire.
The gardner had not yet dug out the radish, when the beggar held the alms-bowl in front of him.
Where there is sunshine, there is also shade.