To be lucky you need a little wit.
To him that watches, everything is revealed.
To him who is determined it remains only to act.
To know everything is to know nothing.
To preserve friendship, one must build walls.
Too much prosperity makes most men fools.
Translators, traitors.
Trust not the praise of a friend nor the contempt of an enemy.
Under white ashes there is glowing coal.
Vices are learned without a master.
Virginity is noted only in its absence.
Virtue comes not from chance but long study.
Voice of one, voice of none.
What does not poison, fattens.
What is done cannot be undone.
What shall I say when it is better to say nothing?
What worth has beauty if it is not seen?
What you can't have, abuse.
When God punishes a land, he deprives it leaders of wisdom.
When I'm dead, everybody's dead -- and the pig too.
When ill luck falls asleep, let none wake her.