There are three kinds of enemy: the enemy himself, the friends of your enemy, and the enemies of your friends.
There are three things that have to be done quickly: burying the dead, opening the door for a stranger, and fixing your daughter's wedding.
There is no need for fish in an empty pond.
Thick body, weak soul.
To sin in secret is more pleasant than having pleasure in the open.
To the ant, a few drops of dew is a flood.
Treat your superior as a father, your equal as a brother, and your inferior as a son.
Walls have mice and mice have ears.
What the thief stole has always been called expensive.
What you give away you keep.
Whatever you eat will rot, whatever you give will blossom into a rose.
Whatever you sow, you reap.
When I am dead the world can be an ocean or a dried up ditch.
When a cat wants to eat her kittens, she says they look like mice.
When a lion is old, he becomes the plaything of jackals.
When a stone hits glass, the glass breaks. When glass hits a stone, the glass breaks.
When fate strikes physicians are useless.
When fortune turns against you, even jelly breaks your teeth.
When its time has come, the prey goes to the hunter.
When the cat and mouse agree, the grocer is ruined.
When the cat and the mouse agree, the grocer is ruined.