Repentance prolongs a man's life.
Respect flies away for the one who pursues it and hunts the person who is fleeing from it.
Rivalry of scholars advances wisdom.
Silence heals all ills.
Silence is a fence around wisdom.
Slander is more deadly than weapons; weapons wound from close range, slander hurts from a distance.
Slander slays three persons: the speaker, the spoken to, and the spoken of.
Talking is silver, silence is golden.
Teach thy tongue to say, "I do not know.".
Teach your tongue to say: "I do not know."
The best doctor is to be found in hell.
The city, whose physician has the gout, is in a bad state.
The court is most merciful when the accused is most rich.
The day is short and work lasts a long time.
The greatest wisdom of all is kindness.
The kind man feeds his cat before sitting down to dinner.
The more you add, the worse it gets.
The place honors not the man; it is the man who honors the place.
The punishment of a liar is that he is never believed, even when he speaks the truth.
The thief who has no opportunity to steal thinks he is an honest man.
The truth is a heavy burden that few care to carry.