God forgives sinners, otherwise His heaven would be empty.
God gave us hands but He doesn't build bridges with them.
God gives us milk but no jug.
God gives us nuts but he does not crack them for us.
God will help a seaman in a storm but the pilot must still remain at the wheel.
Good bargains empty your pockets.
Good pay makes happy workers.
Good will gives wings to the feet.
Grain and graciousness grow on good ground.
Green wood gives more smoke than heat.
Habit is the intelligence of the crowd.
Happiness opens the arms and closes the eyes.
He that always thinks it is too soon is sure to come too late.
He that finds fault wants to buy.
He that wants to eat the kernel must crack the nut.
He who begins too much accomplishes little.
He who blows on the fire will get sparks in his eyes.
He who cries today that he has no bread will cry again tomorrow because he isn't hungry.
He who dies for the truth finds holy ground everywhere for his grave.
He who does not open his eyes must open his purse.
He who does not punish evil invites it.