The nearer the inn, the longer the road.
The old one who is loved is like a winter flower.
The oldest trees bear the softest fruits.
The one who wins plays best.
The praise of a thousand jesters counts for nothing against the reprimand of one wise man.
The preacher must be like a chicken who always has an egg in reserve.
The rich have medicines the poor have health.
The salary of a good servant is never too high.
The skinnier the dog, the more fleas he has.
The stubborn man is ruled by a fool.
The wise man has long ears and a short tongue.
The wise person has long ears and a short tongue.
The world could have been great if only people had been more useful.
The worst behaved students turn out to be the most pious preachers.
There are no bad beers; some kinds are better than others.
There is no nail varnish that can make old hands look younger.
There is no one luckier than he who thinks himself so.
There's no eel so small but it hopes to become a whale.
There's none so blind as those who will not see.
They are not all cooks who carry long knives.
They are not all friends who laugh with you.