One does evil enough when one does nothing good.
One enemy can harm you more than a hundred friends can do you good.
One enemy is too much, and a hundred friends are not enough.
One must either be the hammer or the anvil.
One nail drives out another.
One time "here you are" is better than ten times "heaven help you."
Only believe in the faith of a woman as you would believe in miracles.
Only when the horses have escaped do men repair the stable.
Our neighbor's children are always the worst.
Patience is a bitter plant but it has a sweet fruit.
Patience is often better than medicine.
People show their character by what they laugh at.
People talk about something until it actually happens.
Petty thieves are hanged, you take off your hat to the big ones.
Politeness is what warmth is to wax.
Poor or rich, death makes us all equal.
Pray as though no work could help, and work as though no prayer could help.
Priests and road signs show you the way but don't go with you.
Promises are like the full moon: if they are not kept at once they diminish day by day.
Promises have legs. Only a gift has hands.
Prudent men woo thrifty women.