If you borrow some chaff from the rich man you have to repay him with wheat.
In heaven you wont hear the mosquitoes.
Love is a garden full of flowers and marriage is a field of stinging nettles.
Never judge a reindeer from close by when you got it from a rich man because you may find that some of the antlers are missing.
No one can climb a tree with no branches.
One cannot ski so softly that the tracks cannot be seen.
Praise your horse tomorrow, your son when he has a beard, your daughter when she is married and yourself never.
Rain does not stay in the sky.
The back has to pay for what the ears didn't hear.
The cheese betrays the milk.
The echo knows all languages.
The lazy sweat when they eat and complain of the cold when they work.
The memories of one's youth make for long, long thoughts.
The old cow forgets that she was once a calf.
The walking-stick reaches many lands, the word many more.
The winter does not leave without a backward glance.
The wise man will be cheated only once.
The world is a good teacher, but it charges a huge fee.
To an optimist every weed is a flower; to a pessimist every flower is a weed.
Who stands by the door of his house is not yet gone away.
With a walking-stick you reach many lands; you reach many more with words.