He who would gather roses must not fear thorns.
He would be wise who knew all things beforehand.
Hearsay is half lies.
Help yourself and God will help you.
Hens like to lay where they see an egg.
I wish that he would sink as deep in the ground as a hare can run in ten years.
Idleness is hunger's mother; of theft it is full brother.
If fools ate no bread, corn would be cheap.
If it's not burning you why cool it?
If you eat someone's cake, you must also eat his lentils.
If you pull one pig by the tail all the rest squeak.
If you touch pitch you will get dirty.
Ill-matched horses draw badly.
In prosperity caution, in adversity patience.
In small woods may be caught large hares.
In the company of the good we become good.
In the division of inheritance, friendship stands still.
In the land of promise a man may die of hunger.
In time a mouse will gnaw through a cable.
It is a bad well that you have to fill with water.
It is a grief to one beggar that there is another at the door.