Big fish jump out of the kettle.
By labor fire is got out of stone.
Cast no roses before swine.
Cats don't catch the old birds.
Caution is the parent of delicate beer glasses.
Coffee has two virtues, it's wet and it's warm.
Common fame seldom lies.
Common goods, no goods.
Coupled sheep drown one another.
Covetousness is always filling a bottomless vessel.
Darkness and night are mothers of thought.
Daughters may be seen but not heard.
Dogs have teeth in all countries.
Don't overstrain your bow -- it may break.
Economy is a great revenue.
Every day is not a holiday.
Every flood has its ebb.
Every one must row with the oars he has.
Everyone is a thief in his own craft.
Everything has an end with the exception of God.
Fair money can cover much that's foul.