The generous man enriches himself by giving; the miser hoards himself poor.
The goose hisses, but does not bite.
The heart does not lie.
The higher the mountain the lower the valley, the taller the tree the harder the fall.
The most learned are not the wisest.
The nobler the tree, the more bends the twig.
The open door invites the thief.
The rich have many friends.
The richest man, whate'er his lot, is the one content with what he's got.
The scabbier the sheep the harder it bleats.
The seeds of the day are best planted in the first hour.
The third person makes good company.
The world likes to be cheated.
The worse the carpenter, the more the chips.
The young may die, the old must.
The young ravens are beaked like the old.
There are more thieves than are hanged.
There are no better masters than poverty and wants.
There is a fool at every feast.
There is more to dancing than a pair of dancing shoes.
There is no point in combing where there is no hair.