Rust consumes iron and envy consumes itself.
Sight before hearsay.
Silence is a wonderful jewel for a woman but she seldom wears it.
Slander expires at a good woman's door.
Speech is often repented, silence never.
Take off your hat quickly but slowly take hold of your purse.
Tell nothing to thy friend which why enemy may not know.
The absent are always to blame.
The air is no less blue because the blind man doesn't see it.
The branch is seldom better than the stem.
The chair on which a Dane is sitting is beautifully decorated.
The crust is part of the loaf.
The dog's kennel is no place to keep a sausage.
The dog's kennel is not the place to keep a sausage.
The eye of the master does more than his two hands.
The fall of a leaf is a whisper to the living.
The fire doesn't care about the owner of the coat that is burning.
The goose goes so often into the kitchen till at last she sticks to the spit.
The greater the fear the nearer the danger.
The ground is always frozen for the lazy swine.
The herb patience does not grow in every man's garden.