Big ships often sail on big debts.
Biggest profits mean gravest risks.
Borrowed money shortens time; working for others lengthens it.
By day think of your own faults, by night think of the faults of others.
Careless rat chewing on a cat's tail: beware lightning!.
Ceremony is the smoke of friendship.
Cheap things are not good, good things are not cheap.
Cheat the earth and the earth will cheat you.
Choose your inn before dark, get back on the road before dawn.
Choose your lodging before dark and leave before the morning dew.
Clear conscience never fears midnight knocking.
Clumsy birds have need of early flight.
Confucius say too much.
Conquerors are kings; the beaten are bandits.
Count not what is lost but what is left.
Courtesy never offended anybody.
Covet wealth, and want it; don't, and luck will grant it.
Curse your wife at evening, sleep alone at night.
Customers are jade; merchandise is grass.
Dangerous enemies will meet again in narrow streets.
Dead song-birds make a sad meal.