Imitation is not just the sincerest form of flattery - it's the sincerest form of learning.
I painted. I wanted to be a painter. I sang.
I had a flair for comedy and could give a sustained performance.
In the tenth century the old Batavian and later Roman forms have faded away.
This is a nation that has lost the ability to be self-critical, and that makes a lie out of the freedoms.
I'm irresponsible to my career in order to paint. Because painting is obsessive. I forget to eat. I forget to sleep.
I'm really interested in the nondefinitive element of abstraction.
Can compromise be an art? Yes--but a minor art.
I continue to get further away from the usual painter's tools such as easel, palette, brushes, etc.
Technique is just a means of arriving at a statement.
The German ueber-photographer Andreas Gursky was the perfect pre-9/11 artist.
It's a visual world and people respond to visuals.
The human body is the best work of art.
I furnished the body that was needed to sit in the defendant's chair. [ .]
the abstract reveals after a second
It is helpful for a woman artist not to have a husband.
I don't think of myself as an illustrator. I think of myself as a cartoonist. I write the story with pictures - I don't illustrate the story with the pictures.
Painting, drawing - I'm really into photography, I've done it since high school.
I did painting before I did photography.
The arts don't exist in isolation.
I originally just wanted to be an artist.