Jimi... He was the gov'nor and that's it. He was brilliant, wasn't he?
I was always stuck in a musical no man's land.
In all honesty, I don't know what one song can change.
A faith to live by, a self to live with, and a purpose to live for.
I like guitar sounds to be a little somber.
I had no musical training at all.
Nixon was the beginning of people not trusting politics.
Def Leppard is a rock band that can sing.
I'm drawn to furniture design as complete architecture on a minor scale.
We're not trying to change the world; just music.
Everyone has a right to change their consciousness, but ultimately the whole process is misleading.
Change and growth is so painful. But it's so necessary for us to evolve.
I design some of my own clothes now.
I ain't got much education, but I got some sense.
I miss the 80's as well, it was a truly great decade for music.
Good rock music always tends to be around.
In America, life is introverted, self-absorbed - and so is their music.
I never try and sound like Sabbath.
I always wanna be in the process of evolving and growing.
I broke up the band in the office in Gerrard Street.
Soon I will be doing what I love again.