Something must be radically wrong with a culture and a civilisation when its youth begins to desert it. Youth is the natural time for revolt, for experiment, for a generous idealism that is eager for action. Any civilisation which has the wisdom of s...
The eye of youth is very observant. Youth has its moments of keen intuition, even normal youth -- but the intuition of those who stand mi-way between the sexes is so ruthless, so poignant, so deadly, as to be in the nature of an added scourge...
The memories of one's youth make for long, long thoughts.
If youth but had the knowledge and old age the strength.
Old age devours your youth.
Forty is the old age of youth, fifty is the youth of old age.
Youth lives on hope, old age on remembrance.
Youth does not mind where it sets its foot.
Old canoes can be restored, but youth and beauty cannot.
Who can know the heart of youth but youth itself?
Everything is music for the born musician.
Death gives us sleep, eternal youth, and immortality.
The Ramones own the fountain of youth. Experiencing us is like having the fountain of youth.
Youth is a kind of illness cured only by the passing years.
The Yangtse never runs backwards; man recaptures not his youth.
In youth, one has tears without grief; in age, grief without tears.
Old age cures us of our youth.
A man shows in his youth what he will be in his age.
Hip Hop is thee dominant youth culture in the world right now.
In Japan, Australia, and England there is such a strong youth culture.
I had a great time in my youth and I still feel youthful. I've no desire to look as though I'm in my 20s.