key of success. believe yourself less do more God. spend less yourself do more others. be happy less yourself do make everyone happy. care less yourself care more others. Think less yourself think more others. Live less Yourself live for others. Fear...
The way to control circumstances is to control the forces within yourself to make a greater man of yourself, and as you become greater and more competent, you will naturally gravitate into better circumstances. In this connection, we should remember ...
Being yourself is all it takes. If you want to impress someone don't be someone else just be yourself.
Love yourself instead of abusing yourself.
Love yourself. Forgive yourself. Be true to yourself. How you treat yourself sets the standard for how others will treat you.
I think one great tip is that you should always love yourself. If you don't love yourself, take care of yourself, cater to yourself and that little inner voice, you will really not be very worthy of being with someone else, because you won't be the b...
Individuality is different than isolation. Isolation is trying to do everything on your own, living life by yourself. Isolation happens when you choose not to be involved in any communities, making sure you keep a safe distance from people in your li...
Everyone kept telling me, Just be yourself. Be yourself. I kept thinking, there's got to be more to it than that!
You need to love yourself and be yourself one hundred percent before you can actually love someone else.
Here’s what I believe. We have control over ourselves at every single moment. We don’t control the world. We don’t control other people (or at least, we shouldn’t.) But we are in control of our experience at all times.
YOU MATTER- "if you forgive yourself then you can forgive others, if you control yourself then you can control others, if you understand yourself then you can understand others, if you love yourself then you can love others, if you respect yourself t...
If you want to drown yourself, don't torture yourself with shallow water.
To see your-self you must first be yourself, to be your-self you must first know yourself, and to know your-self you must first love your-self more than anything in the world."-Mark Miller
Express yourself, don't hurt yourself.
Love yourself to love others. Be yourself to understand others. Be the light to show the way to others. Be peaceful to bring peace to the world.
To learn about other people is science, to learn to know yourself is intelligence.
Love yourself enough to take the actions required for your happiness… Love yourself enough to cut yourself loose from the ties of the drama-filled past… Love yourself enough to move on!
It happened to me just this year with a beautiful boy I started hanging out with. Call me a hormonal teenager if you want, but evidently I haven’t grown out of this experience. His name, his voice, his face, his laugh - anything was enough to make ...
The good news is, shame has a kryptonite. Shame cannot survive under the power of love. Love defeats shame, every time. Love says that no matter what you did which may have caused guilt, you are loved. You are lovable. You are love itself. That is th...
Know yourself to improve yourself.
Just be yourself, there is no one better.