Respect spiritual beings but keep your distance.
When you go to buy, don't show your silver.
If the fight is tomorrow, why then clench your fist today?
Prepare yourself for when the water comes up to your knees.
If it's not your time, you won't be born and you won't die.
Feed your horse as a friend, mount him as an enemy.
Do not choose your wife at a dance, but in the field among the harvesters.
As you make your bed, so you must lie in it.
Proportion your expenses to what you have, not what you expect.
Don't put your trust in Fortune until you are in heaven.
Better bread in the basket than a feather in your cap.
You cannot satisfy the whole world and your father.
If you fail to practice your art, it will soon disappear.
You are still a slave if only your limbs are free.
You can eat and drink with your family but not count and measure.
Do not eat before you have fed your animal.
It is only in your coffin that you sleep really well.
The money you dream about will not pay your bills.
If you enter the city of the blind, cover your eyes.
Meat that the cat brings in never gets to your plate.
Even the stone you trip on is part of your destiny.