Your true potential in life will always be greater than your biggest goals and dreams.
Edmond MbiakaEvery obstacle is meant to be temporary; try not to make yours permanent in your life.
Edmond MbiakaTry not to let what you don't have get in between your gratitude for the blessings in your life.
Edmond MbiakaNever carry the baggage of your past relationships on the honeymoon of your future relationships.
Faraaz KaziFirst find your crown and then wear it, then your crowd will come towards you with ovations
Constance Chuks FridayIt's weird to be recognised anywhere. The cost of living your dream, acting, is being recognised.
Colin MorganFirst your parents, they give you your life, but then they try to give you their life.
Chuck PalahniukBoredom is your mind and body’s way of telling you you’re not living up to your potential.
Hal Sparks