You musn't neglect your education in favor of your studies.
With stillness comes the benediction of Peace.
Money is simply a tool to give you choices.
Live your vision and demand your success.
Your agreement with reality defines your life.
Whatsoever things are true...think on these things.
The history of your happiness is the history of your feeling connected.
Creating anything that never existed before is not sanity.
Worry is the opposite of power.
Writing has the power of permanence.
Love is a practice of self-mastery.
The purpose of life is the purpose we bring to it.
Love exalts because it is exalted.
I like your body. I like what it does. I like it's hows.
Change your mind and change your whole life experience.
Love your Enemies, for they tell you your Faults.
Pursue your passion and live your best life.
Never be afraid to your share your story.
You have to make your own family, your own life.
Doubt not your purpose nor your strength.
The Difference Between If and When Is You.