The fire cannot be put out with your hands.
Better your own cod than another's duck.
The stone that is not in your way does not bother you.
It is better to blow than burn your mouth.
Pass by your enemy hungry but never naked.
Never fall out with your bread and butter.
If a friend hurts you, run to your wife.
No better witnesses than your own eyes.
You don't refuse your mother's breast for fear of scabies.
You cannot hide behind your finger.
Go to law for a sheep and lose your cow.
Go to the law for a sheep and lose your cow.
The misery is that you have to ruin your day with work.
Teach your tongue to say: "I do not know."
Never strike your wife, even with a flower.
Hang your knapsack where you can reach it.
Never strike your wife, not even with a flower.
In your neighbors' soup there is always one fatty morsel.
The world is a rose; smell it and pass it on to your friends.
After victory, tighten your helmet chord.
Depend on your walking stick, not on other people.