The best way to make happy money is to make money your hobby and not your god.
Everyone has a best feature, so find clothes and accessories to accentuate those, whether it's your shoulders or your long legs!
Acceptance is different than apathy. It is important to strive to be your best self, your healthiest, most productive, joyful self. But that is going to be a different answer to everyone.
Falling in love is the best way to kill your heart because then it's not yours anymore. It's laid in a coffin, waiting to be cremated.
Jesus - “the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily” (Colossians 2:9).
Do every act of your life as though it were the very last act of your life.
Zen movement is a meditative practice.
Only inner-mastery can bring outer-mastery.
It's amazing what money can't do.
Peace is the friend we find in silence.
However great your dedication, you never win anything on your own
• you should improve your character, because it's belong to your destiny ♥
Your genetics load the gun. Your lifestyle pulls the trigger.
You give up your narcissism, your egotism. That's how you achieve chemistry.
Forget your past, Use your pain; Accept that pain, And Achieve the gain.
dont harden your heart; because of the past, it'll block your sight, of a positive future.
In the quiet moments, listen to your heart; where it wanders is where your truth lays.
Your son and your daughter needs an excellent father more than an excellent college.
If your looking to write a book, your creativity, originality and simplicity is what will distinguish you.
Entrepreneur, your either raising the bar of excellence or your exhaling at the bar which is expensive.
Entrepreneur, the development of your daily discipline will determine then deliver your desired distinction.