It should be clear by now that my focus here is not freedom of speech or the press. This freedom is all too often an exaggeration. At the very least, blind references to freedom of speech or the press serve as a distraction from the critical examinat...
The freedom we want, for ourselves and for others, is not an absolute metaphysical, abstract freedom which in practice is inevitably translated into the oppression of the weak; but it is real freedom, possible freedom, which is the conscious communit...
Literacy is inseparable from opportunity, and opportunity is inseperable from freedom. The freedom promised by literacy is both freedom from - from ignorance, oppression, poverty - and freedom to - to do new things, to make choices, to learn.
The only freedom you truly have is in your mind, so use it.
Success is freedom - scripts coming your way and getting to choose the stories you want to tell.
Better to die fighting for freedom then be a prisoner all the days of your life.
Freedom is the most sophisticated form of control. The best lies use the truth.
Many rabble-rousers for libertarianism, liberty and freedom are unwitting pawns of controllers they have never even considered.
The process of discovering your greatest self is of refinement, not adding. The best way to reconnect with your freedom is to look at the rules you have that govern and hinder it.
But if you can create an honorable livelihood, where you take your skills and use them and you earn a living from it, it gives you a sense of freedom and allows you to balance your life the way you want.
The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask.
Unchain the beast which lurks beneath your skin; for if you were to throw it the key to freedom, you would watch in ore as you transform into your true self.
Troop Leader: Here we say that the freedom is in your hands, so if you go against us, so go your hands.
The greatest blessing of our democracy is freedom. But in the last analysis, our only freedom is the freedom to discipline ourselves.
When a truth is not given complete freedom, freedom is not complete.
The terrorists are fighting freedom with all their cunning and cruelty because freedom is their greatest fear - and they should be afraid, because freedom is on the march.
Padre Francisco: Freedom without a life is not freedom. Ramón Sampedro: A life without freedom is not a life.
If your dominant intent is to feel joy while you are doing the work, your triad of intentions-freedom, growth and joy-will come quickly and easily into alignment. See your "career" as one of creating a joyful life experience. You are not a creator of...
One reason you should not use web applications to do your computing is that you lose control. It's just as bad as using a proprietary program. Do your own computing on your own computer with your copy of a freedom-respecting program. If you use a pro...
Long term thinking and planing enhances short term decision making. Make sure you have a plan of your life in your hand, and that includes the financial plan and your mission.
What is more important - Pretending to live OR living your life? Forget about what others think about you and your way of living. Live your life the way you like it.