[Brody sees his son sitting in a small skiff, and yells for him to get out of it] Ellen Brody: Martin, it's his birthday tomorrow! Brody: I don't want him out on the water! Ellen Brody: He is not out on the water, he is in a boat! He's not going to g...
T.E. Lawrence: Sherif Ali!. So long as the Arabs fight tribe against tribe, so long will they be a little people, a silly people. Greedy, barbarous and cruel, as you are. Sherif Ali: Come. I will take you to Feisal. T.E. Lawrence: I do not want your ...
Karen: Tell me, if you were in my position, what would you do? Harry: What position is that? Karen: Imagine your husband bought a gold necklace, and come Christmas gave it to somebody else... Harry: Oh, Karen... Karen: Would you wait around to find o...
Eddie: Oh, and if Tom or anyone else for that matter feels like givin' them a bit of a kickin', I'm sure it won't do any harm. Soap: Yeah, little bit of pain never hurt anybody. If you know what I mean. Also, I think knives are a good idea. Big, fuck...
Sarah: Once upon a time, there was a beautiful young girl whose stepmother always made her stay home with the baby. And the baby was a spoiled child, and wanted everything to himself, and the young girl was practically a slave. But what no one knew i...
Mr. Eddy: I'm really glad to know you're doin okay. You're *sure* you're okay? Everything alright? Pete Dayton: Yeah? Mr. Eddy: I'm really glad to know you're doin good, Pete. Hey, I want you to talk to a friend of mine. Mystery Man: We've met before...
Mystery Man: Call Me. Dial your number. Go ahead. [Fred dials the number and the Mystery Man answers] Mystery Man: [over the phone] I told you I was here. Fred Madison: [amused] How'd you do that? Mystery Man: Ask me. [Fred's facial expression turns ...
Bad Cop: Playing dumb, Masterbuilder? Emmet: No! I- Masterbuilder? Bad Cop: Oh, so you've never heard of the prophecy? Emmet: No, I... Bad Cop: Or the Special? Emmet: No! No, I... Bad Cop: You're a liar! [Starts kicking and wrestling a chair] Emmet: ...
Ariel: [regarding King Triton, as Sebastian watches, unobserved] If only I could make him understand. I just don't see things the way he does. I just don't see how a world that makes such wonderful things could be bad. [She begins singing "Part of Yo...
Scuttle: Well, look at what the catfish dragged in! [laughs] Scuttle: Look at ya! Look at ya! There's something different. Don't tell me. I got it. It's your hairdo, right? You've been using the dinglehopper, right? [Ariel shakes her head] Scuttle: N...
Zampanò: [reciting his act by rote before a crowd] Here we have a piece of chain that is a quarter of an inch thick. It is made of crude iron, stronger than steel. With the simple expansion of my pectoral muscles, or chest, that is, I'll break the h...
Ben Sanderson: [to a woman at the bar] What's your name? Terri: Terri. Ben Sanderson: Terri, I am going to buy you a drink. Terri: I'm OK, thanks. Ben Sanderson: Bud, please. Buy the lady a drink and another one for you. I'm Benjamin. Ben. Benny Good...
Television Commentator: Your name, please. Clayton Townley: Clayton Townley, local businessman. Television Commentator: Are you, sir, a spokesman for the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan? Clayton Townley: I told you, I'm a businessman. I'm also a Mi...
Mrs. Iselin: I know you will never entirely comprehend this, Raymond, but you must believe I did not know it would be you. I served them. I fought for them. I'm on the point of winning for them the greatest foothold they would ever have in this count...
Gonzo: My name is Charles Dickens. Rizzo the Rat: And my name is Rizzo the Rat... wait a second! You're not Charles Dickens! Gonzo: I am too! Rizzo the Rat: No! A blue furry Charles Dickens who hangs out with a rat? Gonzo: Absolutely! Rizzo the Rat: ...
Tex: Boy oh boy, you picked a bad time to fly, Billy. They're guerrillas all over the place blowing up planes and all. They hit four planes in four days. But I guess you young people don't read the news anymore. That, and with our people back home ki...
Celia: Oh, Michael, I've had a lot of birthdays - well, not a lot of birthdays but this is the best birthday ever. [Mike stares lovingly at her] Celia: What are you looking at? Mike: I was just thinking about the first time I laid eye on you, how pre...
Sulley: Mike, that's not her door. Mike: What are you talking about? Of course it's her door. It's her door. Sulley: No. Her door was white and it had flowers on it. Mike: No. It must've dark last night because this is its door. [opens the door. A br...
Henry J. Waternoose: James, this company has been in my family for three generations. I would do anything to keep it from going under. Sulley: So would I, sir. Henry J. Waternoose: Say, I could use your help with something. Sulley: Anything, sir. Hen...
[speaking to Billy Fish in Kafiri] Billy Fish: Ootah say take your pick. He have twenty three daughters. Danny: Those are his daughters? Why the dirty old beggar! Peachy Carnehan: Now, now Danny. Different countries, different ways. He's only being h...
Eliza Doolittle: [singing] I shall not feel alone without you, I can stand on my own without you. So go back in your shell, I can do bloody well without... Professor Henry Higgins: [singing] By George, I really did it, I did it, I did it! I said I'd ...