To make a career as an Irish actor, generally it's the case that you move to London. When you make that move, you do tend to stand out.
The human mind, I believe, cares for the True only in the general character of an epoch.
I want to reach a new generation. That's why I am Twittering now. I have a BlackBerry, an iPhone and a Mac.
Britain still has the most reliably beautiful countryside of anywhere in the world. I would hate to be part of the generation that allowed that to be lost.
The U.K. and Europe in general seem to be a lot more patient. The U.S. are expecting 'joke joke joke joke joke joke joke.' They don't actually sit and listen to you.
I look at other members of my generation who have basically done one thing, and one thing well, and have been handsomely rewarded for it.
Unlike the United States Congress, which mostly forbids outside employment, state legislatures are generally composed of people with other careers.
I worked in the media from the late 30's through the early 70's. Politics in general became more liberal both nationally and within the state as the years passed.
Edith Vonnegut behaved like a guest in her children's lives. To her way of thinking, parenting came under the general heading of household tasks, which, as a wealthy woman, she could pay others to do.
Generally, a rally will have staying power, technicians say, if, in addition to price movements, it has heavy trading volume and breadth, meaning that several stocks rise for each stock that falls.
I think that I recall the nostalgic '50s: the start of early television and rock-and-roll, and I think everything seemed to get very generic. Not much has changed.
I have been a victim of stereotypes. I come from Latin America and to some countries, we are considered 'losers,' drug traffickers, and that is not fair because that is generalizing.
The only real insurance you have against disease is a healthy body. Invest wisely, generously and often in that policy.
I would define the poetic effect as the capacity that a text displays for continuing to generate different readings, without ever being completely consumed.
Hip Hop Generation “captures the collective hopes and nightmares, ambitions and failures of those who would otherwise be described as “post-this” or “post-that.”
America’s education system has become less a ladder of opportunity than a structure to transmit inequity from one generation to the next.
Men who fish at shallow waters can never have enough fish to feed their family talk less of a nation or a generation
Only those who ignore d sea waves&tides to fish in deep waters can have abundance of fishes to feed their generation.
Whereas, generally speaking, zinc reacts suitably only with the first members of the alkyl iodides, with magnesium it is possible to use bromides, iodides, and in many cases, chlorides.
A library implies an act of faith which generations, still in darkness hid, sign in their night in witness of the dawn." (1872)
I deliberately try not to cater for the commercial market, so I can't see myself in competition, you know, with second or third generation rock stars.