A lot of the traditional sitcom stuff I did - I think I could have gone that route when I was younger as a staff writer, and I just didn't want to.
The younger generation is surrounded by the Internet, apps, and video games. But somehow, my books make them read.
I think I'm better than I was in my younger days, because I'm exploring deep lyrical material, and I've been sober for a while now.
Something pretty... that's just the surface. People worry so much about aging, but you look younger if you don't worry about it.
I went through a whole phase when I was younger of being obsessed with Tolstoy and Kafka and Camus, all those really, beautiful, dark depressing books.
Having plastic surgery is pathetic. You don't look any younger; you look well for a bit until it starts going again, but it takes all the character out.
I have a really adaptable face, but when I am just being me, people always think I am younger than I am.
When I was younger, I looked to actors like they were from another planet. You couldn't believe you could be anywhere near that world. It was exciting. I kind of like that.
I have a friend who likes to date younger women because their stories are shorter. Old men like us, our stories are longer.
When I was younger, I was insecure for about 10 years: I wore glasses, had a cow's lick, buck teeth and braces. I looked ridiculous.
I think I had a mild case of Asperger's as a younger guy, but that typically just wears off after a while.
I used to have terrible tantrums. I was temperamental when I was younger. Actually, what I needed was a swift kick in the pants. What a brat!
I did children's theater when I was younger, and then when I was about 14 I started doing theater in New York City.
I'm used to being around kids. Even when I was growing up in London, I had an older sister, I had a younger sister that I used to look after from time to time.
I was always interested in baseball. In fact, in my younger years, I played it in an amateur way. But up to the time when I became identified with the Yankees, I was a strong National League rooter.
I was very shy when I was younger. But I did have a terrible temperament. I would get angry very quickly, but the rest of the time I was this big goofball, playing the drums in a band and making out with girls.
I wish I had more guts when I was younger because then I would've said things to people's faces instead of just running away all the time.
Often people would mistake me for white when I was younger, and I didn't correct them; there would be a period of time that they just thought I was.
If I was a little bit younger I would worry more. I'd want to do one thing at a time but now I try to do a bunch of different things at a time if I can.
Younger Bear: I have a wife. And four horses. Jack Crabb: I have a horse... and four wives.
[from trailer] Older Joe: [to his younger self] He's gonna take everything YOU got, and everything I got!