Think of all the really successful men and women you know. Do you know a single one who didn't learn very young the trick of calling attention to himself in the right quarters?
We need somebody who's got the heart, the empathy, to recognize what it's like to be a young teenage mom, the empathy to understand what it's like to be poor or African-American or gay or disabled or old - and that's the criterion by which I'll be se...
There was a point when I was very young where I remember talking with my mom about going to drama school and this was maybe when I was 8, 9, 10 years old - and she knew that I was also academically very capable, and she steered me in another directio...
One of the roles I hold really close to my heart is a small 'under-five' role I did on 'The Young and the Restless.' I think I did about four episodes and it meant so much to me, simply because it was my mom's all-time favorite soap.
Well, I am not really a conventional mom at all. Like, I had my kids really young. I had Danny when I was 18 or 19 and then Liam when I was 23 and Molly, I had when I was a little older.
I was raised Catholic. Not just a little bit Catholic, like my wife, Catherine. When she was young, many Catholics in France already barely went to church, except for the big three: baptism, marriage, and funeral. And only the middle one was by choic...
When I started making movies, I was pretty young, and at the time I felt like there needed to be more confrontation in cinema - or I needed to make something more disruptive - so in the beginning, those movies were me wanting to play with the rules.
Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Mansfield and I were so different from each other. I was doing very young movies, and Marilyn, who was ahead of me, was doing a lot of homogenized movies that weren't quite as wild as the ones I was doing. Jayne was more of a ch...
John Young: [waking Ken Mattingly up] Good, you're not dead. We've been trying to get in touch with you for forty-five minutes.
[first lines] Elaine Miller: I can't believe you wanna be Atticus Finch. Oh, that makes me feel so good. Young William: I like him.
Josef Stalin dubbed in propaganda film excerpt: If Amélie chooses to live in a dream-world and remain an introverted young woman, she has every right to mess up her life!
Kurtz: [Kurtz dictates to tape] They train young men to drop fire on people. But their commanders won't allow them to write 'fuck' on their airplanes because it is obscene.
Jake Sully: [Narrating] Learning to ride an ikran - we call 'em banshees - is a test every young hunter has to pass. But to do that, you gotta go where the banshees are. Boo-rah.
Young Ed Bloom: There comes a point when any reasonable man will swallow his pride and admit he made a mistake. The truth is... I was never a reasonable man.
Young Ed Bloom: Now I may not have much, but I have more determination then any man you're ever likely to meet.
Young Ed Bloom: [voice over narration] I was the biggest thing Ashton had ever seen. Until one day, a stranger arrived.
[first lines] Young Birdman: How did we end up here? This place is horrible. Smells like balls. We don't belong here.
Young Doc: Nice talking to you. Maybe we'll bump into each other sometime again in the future. Older Doc: Or in the past.
Charles: I arrived last night. Right in time for English Department cocktails. The cock was mine. The tail belonged to a lovely young thing with a passion for D.H. Lawrence.
Young William: I can fight. Malcolm Wallace: I know. I know you can fight. But it's our wits that make us men.
As a young girl, I used to dream of giving an interview. You dream of stardom as a kid. People think they don't want to be stars. Everyone wants to be a star! That's the truth. Even grownups; they pretend they don't want to be one and don't care. But...