Liberius: [Liberius and Razin are debating whether or not to allow Zhivago's release] I command this unit! Razin, Liberius' Lieutenant: We command jointly! The Party Bulletin expressly states... Liberius: Bah! [knocks bulletin out of Razin's hands] L...
[Elizabeth presents her ideas of religious reform to Parliament; the bishops are outraged and begin to argue] First Bishop: Madam, by this act... by this act, you force us to relinquish our allegiance to the Holy Father. Elizabeth: How can I force yo...
Stepan: Anna, how is it that your boyfriend wasn't here to carve? Anna: I don't live with Oliver anymore, Uncle Stepan. Living back here for a bit. Helen: For as long as you want. Stepan: I knew he would run away from you. Anna: He didn't run away. C...
Judge Randolph: [Judge Randolph reading the verdict] Lance Corporal Dawson, Private First Class Downey. [Two defendants rises] Judge Randolph: On the charge of murder, the members find the accused not guilty. On the charge of conspiracy to commit mur...
Anna: But Hans is not a stranger. Kristoff: Oh yeah? What's his last name? Anna: Of the Southern aisles. Kristoff: What's his favourite food? Anna: Sandwiches. Kristoff: Best friends name? Anna: Probably John. Kristoff: Eye colour? Anna: Dreamy. Kris...
Brian O'Conner: [observes Deckard Shaw eating] I hope you're enjoying your last meal. Deckard Shaw: This is it? This is all you want? A dozen men? Sheppard: I think you'll find it's more than enough. Dominic Toretto: [approaches Shaw] I'm ready to me...
Tom Hagen: The Senator called, he apologized for not coming but said that you would understand; also some of the judges. They've all sent gifts. [raises his glass to the Don] Tom Hagen: Salut. [Both men are suiddenly startled by a huge roaring cheer]...
Commodore Jensen: Gentlemen, these men have a special interest in Navarone. I got your radio report, but I thought perhaps you could be more specific. Squadron Leader Howard Barnsby RAAF: I'll be specific! As you can plainly see, it was ruddy awful. ...
Father Dominic Moran: Priest: "I want to know whether your intent is just purely to commit suicide here." Bobby Sands: Bobby Sands: "You want me to argue about the morality of what I'm about to do and whether it's really suicide or not? For one, you'...
Alien Child: I hate women. All they do is cry all the time. Theodore: That's not true. You know men cry too. I actually like crying sometimes. It feels good. Alien Child: I didn't know you were a little pussy. Is that why you don't have a girlfriend?...
Nick: Hey look, mister. We serve hard drinks in here for men who want to get drunk fast, and we don't need any characters around to give the joint "atmosphere". Is that clear, or do I have to slip you my left for a convincer? George Bailey: [interven...
Auda abu Tayi: I am Auda abu Tayi! Does Auda serve? Howeitat tribesmen: NO! Auda abu Tayi: Does Auda abu Tayi serve? Howeitat tribesmen: NO! Auda abu Tayi: [to Lawrence] I carry twenty-three great wounds, all got in battle. Seventy-five men have I ki...
Jackson Bentley: [on his interest in Lawrence and the Arab Revolt] I'm looking for a hero. Prince Feisal: Indeed, you do not seem a romantic man. Jackson Bentley: Oh, no! But certain influential men back home believe the time has come for America to ...
Javert: Valjean, at last, we see each other plain. Monsieur le Mayor, you'll wear a different chain. Jean Valjean: Before you say another word, Javert, before you chain me up like a slave again, listen to me. There is something I must do. This woman ...
Ariel: But without my voice, how can I. Ursula: You'll have your looks. Your pretty face and don't underestimate the importance of "body language." Ha! [singing] Ursula: The men up there don't like a lot of blabber / They think a girl who gossips is ...
Frank T.J. Mackey: Respect the cock! And tame the cunt! Tame it! Take it on headfirst with the skills that I will teach you at work and say no! You will not control me! No! You will not take my soul! No! You will not win this game! Because it's a gam...
Chi Fu: Insubordinate ruffians! You men owe me a new pair of slippers! And I do not squeal like a girl. [a panda eats his slipper; he squeals like a girl] Mushu: [disguised as a messenger riding the panda] Urgent news from the General. [beat] Mushu: ...
[Chris and Vin enter their room, to see Lee sitting there, waiting] Lee: Remember me? Chris Adams: Yup. Lee: You need men for a job in Mexico? How long? Chris Adams: Four, maybe six weeks. Lee: That ought to do it. How much does the job pay? Chris Ad...
[Anton has just shot the Man who hires Wells in the throat, and is standing over his body] [to Nervous Accountant] Anton Chigurh: Who are you? Nervous Accountant: Me? Anton Chigurh: Yes. Nervous Accountant: Nobody... accounting. Anton Chigurh: He gav...
Alicia: [in bed, hung-over] I'm no stool-pigeon, Mr. Devlin. Devlin: My department authorized me to engage you to do some work for us. There's a job in Brazil... Alicia: Oh, go away. The whole thing bores me. Devlin: Some of the German gentry who are...
Sim Carstairs: Ten year I been ferryin' Kansas Redlegs, Union cavalry, Missouri guerillas... you name it. Mad dogs them guerillas. You look sideways at 'em... [snaps a rope like a noose] Sim Carstairs: they kill ya. Carpetbagger: Sound like hard men ...