I spent two weeks prancing around a studio in Queens in my underwear with nine other guys. They were long days. But what the hell, it was Calvin Klein.
I'm pretty convinced there's a chemical reality to who I am, regarding my brain, that makes me kind of a strange guy.
We're not only hockey players. A lot of guys have families and girlfriends. You can't just think about hockey 24-7.
I was used to being the smartest guy in the room, and then God dropped me in a place that was well beyond me. It was painfully awesome.
I never call them 'guys;' I always call them 'boys.' Maybe it's a superiority complex - my needing to keep them down.
I'm as vain as the next guy. I have a facade on right now. But you can't see it, because it's reality-based.
But you know, I'm the negative-Nancy, curmudgeon, glass-half-empty-with-a-leak-in-it guy - which is basically the fuel that fires me up anyway. Without that, we wouldn't have me.
To me, having 500 rolls of fabric around is the most calming thing in the world. I think it's what football is to some guys.
I have a rule: I want the pilot flying me up in the air at 30,000 feet to make more than a guy working at Taco Bell.
Many people still believe that “tough guy” means having a camel type muscles rather than a lion heart.
We have played so well that the guys have really made my job fairly easy.
I still feel like an immature idiot inside, but I look in the mirror and - as a friend of mine once said- this old guy keeps getting in the way.
I was a storyteller for The Band. It was never, 'Hey guys, here's a song about what happened to me.' I was always more comfortable writing fiction.
I feel so lucky to have been in a group where it was a real band. This wasn't a singer and guitar player and some other guys.
You know, there's nobody where I've said, 'Man, I really want that guy's career.' I mean, each of us has to make our own go of it.
But, you know, the Stones were my opening act in the Sixties. I loved those British guys, the way they just stood there and shook their hair.
There's not too many guys that spend their whole career with one team and I think it's very fortunate and a blessing for me.
Everybody says, 'You impress me as a guy who never wanted to be a movie star.' I say, 'Everybody in the world wants to be a movie star.'
Honestly, I hate when in books, the guys changes the girl's life. Like, no. The girl needs to change her own life.
I don't like guys who will lie down and take it. I want someone who'll fight back. I like people who can argue well.
The Beatles were no trouble... lots of girls. The Stones were black-jacketed guys, a rough crowd. A whole different scene between the Stones' black leather jackets and the Beatles' pretty-dressed girls with the ribbons in their hair, teenagers standi...