Young Tyrone: I told you I would make it Mama. Tyrone's Mother: Oh, you don't have to make anything, my sweet, you just have to love your mother.
Robin Hood: Tell me, young man, how old are you? Skippy: Gosh, I'm seven years old! Going on eight! Robin Hood: Seven? That does make you the man of the house.
Darth Vader: You have learned much, young one. Luke: You'll find I'm full of surprises.
Vaughan Cunningham: I don't understand. Morris: Exactly the point, my young level-headed friend. Vaughan Cunningham: I don't get it. Morris: Well, I rest my case.
Jack Graham: Charlie, think. How much do you know about your uncle? Young Charlie Newton: Why, he's my mother's brother.
Young River: People don't like to be meddled with. We tell them what to do, what to think, don't run, don't walk. We're in their homes and in their heads and we haven't the right. We're meddlesome.
[watching a young woman get burned at the stake] Jöns: Who will take care care of that child? Is it the angels or God or Satan or the emptiness? The emptiness, Sire? Antonius Block: It can't be so!
Young Woman Buying Ring: [after Anna tells her that the ring belonged to a woman who loved a man she couldn't be with] Did he have wavy hair and chestnut eyes?
Yoda: Twisted by the Dark Side, young Skywalker has become. The boy you trained, gone he is... Consumed by Darth Vader.
Young Spock: You suggest I should become completely Vulcan, and yet you married a human. Sarek: As Ambassador to Earth it is my duty to observe and understand human behaviour. Marrying your mother was... logical.
Young-shin: [while trying to decide what to take along as they evacuate the house upon declaration of war] There's Kimchi pots buried in the yard. What will happen to them?
George: So, where are these people, this good looking young professor and his slim hipped wife? What did they do? Go home and get some sleep first?
[in ancient Egypt, a young boy assembles a pyramid in mid-air] Crowd: [kneels and chants] En Sabah Nur! En Sabah Nur! En Sabah Nur! En Sabah Nur!
[from inside the haycart] Inga: Hallo. Vould you like to have a roll in ze hay? [Dr. Frankenstein stutters] Inga: It's fun. [She begins to roll in the hay] Inga: Roll, roll, roll in ze hay.
Frau Blücher: I came to tell you that your fiance should be arriving any second! Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: [shirtless] Elizabeth! Here, tonight? Frau Blücher: I suggest you put on a tie!
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Igor, help me with the bags. Igor: [Imitating Groucho Marx] Soitenly. You take the blonde, I'll take the one in the toiben. Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: I was talking about the luggage.
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Well it seems as if our mysterious violinist has disa... [sees something] Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: puh. Inga: Disa what? Igor: -ppeared. Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Shh.
Inga: Hold on to your hat! I'll be right back. Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: [literally holds onto his hat] I'm holding onto it, Darling! Inga: Just a few more seconds.
[Frederick arrives at the Transylvania station] Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Pardon me, boy. Is this the Transylvania station? Shoe-Shine Boy: Ja, ja. Track 29. Can I give you a shine?
Igor: Where are you going? Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: To wash up. I've got to look normal. [his bowtie pops open] Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: We've all of us got to behave normally.
I have mixed feelings about those sorts of things. When I see it done by interesting young people, I think it's very valid. But when established photographers, people in their forties, copy me and get a lot of money, well, I find that to be very stup...