You need to agree with your boss about what you need to get done that week, what are the metrics of success. Sometimes you need more hours, sometimes you need fewer hours.
Success is about dedication. You may not be where you want to be or do what you want to do when you're on the journey. But you've got to be willing to have vision and foresight that leads you to an incredible end.
You don't realize how much you use your credit card not even to buy things. It's a card you get so you can navigate society.
Think of your favorite teacher you ever had in school: the one who made it the most fun to go to class. They surprise you. They keep you guessing. They keep you coming back, wanting to know what's going to happen next.
There are two kinds of teachers: the kind that fill you with so much quail shot that you can't move, and the kind that just gives you a little prod behind and you jump to the skies.
How do you know love is gone? If you said that you would be there at seven and you get there by nine, and he or she has not called the police yet - it's gone.
You really have to love every single bit of what you do. The moment that you do something that makes you feel queasy to your stomach, the company dies.
First, if you love the Kindle and it works for you, it isn't problematic, and you should ignore all my criticisms and read the way you want to read.
If someone is not treating you in a way that you like, remember that there are so many nice people out there. The problem is that when you love someone, you make excuses for that kind of behavior.
Try everything on, even gowns that you don't think you'll love. You might be surprised and fall in love with a gown that you weren't drawn to at first.
I always believed no matter where you are, as long as you're doing what you love doing, you're going to be happy.
You hate someone whom you really wish to love, but whom you cannot love. Perhaps he himself prevents you. That is a disguised form of love.
Well, first of all, making films is a collaborative process. You need people. You need people you trust and love and who are your friends. People you can work with.
I think that if you write what you love to read, that will be what your audience wants to read, too.
I really love Andrew Dominik's movies. When you work with someone whose movies you really love and who you have a lot of admiration for, you turn into putty in their hands.
As a songwriter or artist, there's only so many ways you can say, 'I love you' or 'I think you're beautiful.'
I love going into the centre of London because people don't give a monkey's about you or who you are. You can be in a restaurant and no one notices you or if they do they won't show it.
But if you really love to write and you really love to tell stories and you really love to draw, you just have to keep doing it no matter what anybody says.
When your persona begins to take over your music and becomes more important, you enter a dangerous place. Once you have people around you who don't question you, you're in a dangerous place.
We play melodic music, we play songs, we play all kinds of things and when you improvise you don't just shut out different languages, you use all the languages that you have.
I think if you're able to make the music you want and you can do it in the right kind of context, you don't have to be a circus ringleader to be successful.