You must get an education. You must go to school, and you must learn to protect yourself. And you must learn to protect yourself with the pen, and not the gun.
You take your problems to a god, but what you really need is for the god to take you to the inside of you.
When you are making the one you are doing, you think it is the greatest film going. And then you do another one and it is a great film.
If you are good to this one and that one, this one and that one will say that you are good. If you are good to everyone, no one will say that you are good.
When you are mute, you become a good listener - it's all one-way. You appreciate the written word. You appreciate the sound.
You might not feel good, and you might not want to practice, but you still go out there and practice as hard as you can.
You need fear and doubt to drive you on. Without it, you end up living in the past and being happy with what you have achieved.
Because you know when you first become famous, you start walking a little different because people are staring at you.
You can get your money and you put it in the bank, or you can put it in the youth. You can put it in our future.
I think your tendency when you play yourself is to accentuate something about you that you think is the funny thing about you.
I think when you work really hard and you help others, God helps you get what you want.
It's about sharing. You just give what you have to give wherever you go, and you let God handle the rest.
The more knowledge you get, the more questions you ask. The smarter you get, the more you realize that everything can be possible.
Be careful the environment you choose for it will shape you; be careful the friends you choose for you will become like them.
I used to think you had to live this miserable life and that that would make you funnier, but you don't. The misery will come. The misery will find you.
When you go in for any life rights, you always ask, 'Who would you have play this person, or who would you have direct?'
If you lose a big fight, it will worry you all of your life. It will plague you - until you get your revenge.
You know, I think I'm a stronger person for realizing that you can't make everybody love you.
I love you, what star do you live on?
You know, sometimes you fall in love and you get treated badly, sometimes you get treated well.
If you have to think about whether you love someone or not then the answer is no. When you love someone you just know.