I'll make you a deal. You can come with me to the meeting - if we can work out an agreeable plan - but you don't kill him until I get what I want. I have less than a week. Can you live with that time line?
You were created in the image of God. The image of God. And it is only through God that you can find the true meaning of life. And it is only through God that you can truly find fulfillment. And it is only through God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, ...
You cannot earn $10 million. Nobody earns millions. You can rob, you can steal, or you can make $10 million in an IPO, but never earn so much. So just forget all this saving and consulting bullshit.
You’ve got choices, like any other creature. You can stumble down that road, pretending you can’t help it. You can curl up and die of regret and sorrow for what you’ve done. Or you can get up and fight, even though the battle might be lost.-Fin...
The glamour's off. Almost any question you ask can be answered. It's only the questions that you didn't know to ask that remain, dancing the can-can behind your back. The unknown unknowns.
There’s nothing lonelier than empty relationships. At least when you’re alone you can be yourself, but when you’re in empty relationships you can’t even be yourself. You can be real alone, or you can be a ghost with false friends. Pulse proxi...
I once worked it out - after $12 million, all millionaires are the same. That's because we're all humans, confined to human scale. How many homes can you live in? How many meals can you eat? You can have a living room the size of a cathedral, but you...
I say: If you don't know how to cook, I'm sure you have at least one friend who knows how to cook. Well, call that friend and say, 'Can I come next time and can I bring some food and can I come an hour or two hours ahead and watch you and help you?'
I think it's unfair that people can't give assets to whoever they want. When I die, my assets can go to my wife. And a gay person - you ought to have a system where maybe you can just say, 'You can give your assets to anybody you want.'
Driver: [on the phone with Irene] Can I talk to you? I won't keep you long. I have to go somewhere and I don't think I can come back. But I just wanted you to know. Getting to be around you and Benicio was the best thing that ever happened to me.
Love is a tricky thing. It comes when you least expect it and is most inconvenient. It is rarely noticed until its too late and when it is finally noticed, it comes running up, screaming in your face so that it is all you can see, all you can hear, a...
It’s the end of man and I can do whatever I want.
The Holy Spirit alone can do this, the Holy Spirit alone can establish this link with one's neighbor.
If the one who gave me life wants the real me to die... then all I can do is die.
Danielle had never started a business. But if others can do it, so can I.
Everyday I strive to, at least, recognise my short-comings and the things I have to do to be the best person that I can possibly be.
We can't compare stories. We can only know in our hearts that we are the same. That may be the best we can do.
I continue to enjoy looking for stories, and trying to do the best job I can reporting and writing them.
As long as I give the best performance I can give, I know I can't do any more.
Perhaps trying to move away from my problems and focus on the positive is the best I can do.
If I can only write my memoir once, how do I edit it?