Edith: My God, what is this? It looks like a genuine Van Gogh, but I've never seen it before... Dan: Is that an original, John? John Oldman: No, it's just a gift someone gave me. Edith: Still, it's a superb copy. Contemporaneous I think, may I take a...
First Ancestor: We must send the most powerful of all. Mushu: Okay, okay. I get the drift. I'll go. [Ancestors laugh] Mushu: Oh, y'all don't think I can do it? Watch this here! Mushu: [breathes a very small flame] Aha! Jump back. I'm pretty hot, huh?...
Neil: You're the only one I ever told. Wendy: I know. Neil: I never told Eric or my Mom. And I know some people might think it's f_____d up, or whatever? But what happened that summer... is a huge part of me. No one ever made me feel that way, before...
[Johnny holds up a cross-shaped wreath Barbara bought for their father's grave] Johnny: Look at this thing. "We still remember"? I don't! You know, I don't even remember what the man looks like! Barbara: Johnny, it takes you five minutes. Johnny: Yea...
Ed Tom Bell: That man that shot you died in prison. Ellis: Angola. Yeah... Ed Tom Bell: What you'd done he had been released? Ellis: Oh, I dunno. Nothing. Wouldn't be no point in it. Ed Tom Bell: I'm kindly surprised to hear you say that. Ellis: Well...
Carson Wells: [Wells sits back and studies Moss] What do you do? Llewelyn Moss: I'm retired. Carson Wells: What did you do? Llewelyn Moss: Welder. Carson Wells: Acetylene? Mig? Tig? Llewelyn Moss: Any of it. If it can be welded I can weld it. Carson ...
Secretary Bailey: Sit down, Noodles. Make yourself comfortable. I'm glad you accepted my invitation. Noodles: Well, I was curious. So many important people in one place... Secretary Bailey: Yes. Well, the rats usually desert a sinking ship. But in my...
Patrick 'Patsy' Goldberg: Let's talk to her... [the gang chats up Carol] Patrick 'Patsy' Goldberg: So you left Detroit, huh? Peggy: Her and her husband just come in on weekends. Philip 'Cockeye' Stein: Yeah. Beats the seashore. Peggy: She takes on gu...
[last minute tips for Linus] Rusty: You look down, they know you're lying and up, they know you don't know the truth. Don't use seven words when four will do. Don't shift your weight, look always at your mark but don't stare, be specific but not memo...
Young Psychiatrist: Have you ever heard of the old saying "a rolling stone gathers no moss?" McMurphy: Yeah. Young Psychiatrist: Does that mean something to you? McMurphy: Uh... tt's the same as "don't wash your dirty underwear in public." Young Psyc...
Samir: No one in this country can ever pronounce my name right. It's not that hard: Na-ghee-na-na-jar. Nagheenanajar. Michael Bolton: Yeah, well, at least your name isn't Michael Bolton. Samir: You know, there's nothing wrong with that name. Michael ...
Pete: Well hell, it ain't square one! Ain't nobody gonna pick up three filthy, unshaved hitch-hikers, and one of them a know-it-all that can't keep his trap shut. Ulysses Everett McGill: Pete, the personal rancor reflected in that remark I don't inte...
Cab Dispatcher: Where are you going? Neal: Chicago. Cab Dispatcher: Chicago? Neal: Yeah, Chicago. Cab Dispatcher: You know you're in St. Louis? Neal: Yes I do. Cab Dispatcher: Why don't you try the airlines? It's faster and you get a free meal. Neal:...
Alfred Borden: You went half way around the world, you spent a fortune, you did terrible things - really terrible things, Robert, and all for nothing. Robert Angier: For nothing? Alfred Borden: Yeah Robert Angier: You never understood why we did this...
Jordi: When you get out, what'll you do? Malik El Djebena: I don't know. You? Jordi: Same thing as in here, only bigger. Malik El Djebena: Hash? Jordi: Yeah, hash. I'll move big loads. Marbella-Paris, three cars. Six hundred kilos each trip. [pause] ...
The Unmarried Mother: I've had a lot of people tell me how sorry they are for what happened to me. I don't want to hear it any more. The Bartender: Then what do you want? The Unmarried Mother: What does anyone want? The Bartender: Love. The Unmarried...
Thick Kevin: It's type of bird, but it's wearing a hat. Not so much a hat. Something that's at the top of a coat and attached to the coat and covers the head, but is not a hat. 'Young' Carl: A hood? Thick Kevin: Yes, and now the first name, type of b...
Charlie: You've got a date, Ray, you're gonna go dancing. Raymond: Yeah. Charlie: You know how to dance, Ray? Raymond: No. Charlie: I'll have to teach you sometime. Raymond: Definitely have to dance on my date. Have to learn how to dance. Definitely....
[Richie tells his father Royal he's in love with Margot, his adopted sister] Royal: Margot Tenenbaum? Richie: Yeah. Royal: Well, since when? Richie: Since always. Royal: Does she know? Richie: Uh-huh. Royal: Well, what does she feel about that? Richi...
Karl: Reckon what you like to eat in there? Frosty Cream Employee: Well, the French fries are pretty good. Karl: French fried potaters? Frosty Cream Employee: Yeah, French fries. Karl: How much you want for'em? Frosty Cream Employee: They're .60 for ...
Shaun: [about Ed] I've known him since primary school, you know? I like having him around, he's a laugh. Pete: What, because he can impersonate an orangutan? Fuck-a-doodle-doo! Shaun: Oh, leave him alone. Pete: All right, I admit, he can pretty funny...