Smell: I loved when you gave me that cake, that was sweet. Did you make it yourself? Shaun: [bashfully] Ya Smell: You didn't make it yourself, did you? Shaun: [laughing] No
Ben Wade: [Talking to William about Dodge City] Woman'll do things to ya, you'll never forget. Doc Potter: They give you disease you'll never forget.
Frank Lucas: Ey, ey, ey, ey! Don't rub on that. You Blot that! Ya understand? That's Alpaca. That's $25,000 Alpaca! You blot that shit! You don't rub it, put the club soda on there.
C.C. Baxter: Ya know, I used to live like Robinson Crusoe; I mean, shipwrecked among 8 million people. And then one day I saw a footprint in the sand, and there you were.
Patrick Bateman: Wasn't Rothschild originally handling the Fisher account? How did you get it? Paul Allen: Well, Halberstram, I could tell you... but then I'd have to kill ya.
Tony Stark: [the Avengers take turns to lift Thor's hammer] Clint, you've had a tough week. We won't hold it against ya if you can't get it up.
Old Lorraine: Aren't you and Jennifer getting along? Middle-Aged Marty: Oh, yeah, great Mom. We're like a couple o' teenagers, ya know?
[being shown a picture Bunny's old farm home] The Dude: Oh boy. How ya gonna keep 'em down on the farm once they've seen Karl Hungus.
Argyle Wallace: We'll stay here tonight. Tomorrow, you'll come home with me. Young William: I don't want to leave. Argyle Wallace: You didn't want your father to die either, did ya? But it happened.
But let me tell ya, spend every day living only for yourself, every day indulging in little sins that aren’t that big of a deal, and one day I may be showing you the ropes in hell. Amen.
Hombro con hombro, una cadena de hermanos, una sangre no ya encerrada en la mezquina circulación del cuerpo, sino circulando con una dulzura y sin embargo regresando sin fin a través de China.
El único problema era que Francisca ya no era una niña, tenía 14 años y a esa edad aparecen los granos en la cara... y las inseguridades en el alma.
I gotta hand it to ya, Tristan. You may be a world-class fuckup with what you done to Lisa, but you got taste, man. You got good taste.
Sabemos que el pasado, el presente y el porvenir ya están, minucia por minucia, en la profética mente de Dios, en Su eternidad; lo extraño es que los hombres puedan mirar, indefinidamente, hacia atrás pero no hacia adelante.
She opened her eyes with a gasp. “I love you.” He had tears running a path down his face. He nodded. “Back at ya, pretty child. So, so much.
Las autobiografías ya de por sí son infumables, ¡pero anda que las novelitas! Héroe emprende viaje, forastero llega a la ciudad, alguien persigue algo, lo consigue o no lo consigue, conflicto entre voluntades opuestas. "Admiradme, porque soy una ...
En mi mente, yo estaba reviviendo toda mi vida de nuevo - lentamente, tomando mi tiempo. Retrasándolo. Porque sabía que, tarde o temprano, llegaría a ella. Y entonces... Bueno, ya había muerto una vez. No podría sobrevivir a esto, otra vez.
Ya... aku tau mungkin akan sulit atau mustahil bagiku untuk ngebantuin kamu. Tapi paling nggak, dengan menceritakan permasalahan yang kamu hadapi pada orang lain, kamu akan menjadi sedikit lebih kuat.
El hombre de cabeza clara mira de frente la vida, se hace cargo de que todo en ella es problemático y se siente perdido. Como vivir es sentirse perdido, el que lo acepta ya ha empezado a encontrarse.
Umut yok olduğunda, yaşam olgusal ya da gizil (potansiyel) olarak sona ermiştir. Umut, yaşamın doğasında, insan ruhunun dinamiğinde varolan bir öğedir. Yaşamın doğasını oluşturan bir başka öğeye çok yakından bağlıdır. Bu öge,...
Yaşamın yapısında umut ve inanca bağlı olan ve onların bir halkasını oluşturan bir öge daha vardır: cesaret, ya da Spinoza'nın adlandırmasıyla, direnme gücü. Direnme gücü, dünya "evet" sözcüğünü duymak istediğinde "hayır" d...