What Romantic terminology called genius or talent or inspiration is nothing other than finding the right road empirically, following one's nose, taking shortcuts.
Building a road might create temporary jobs, but does it really create wealth if it doesn't also shorten commute times or otherwise make society better off?
By the end of high school, I had this fork-in-the-road moment where part of me considered going to vocational music school to really pursue it.
As a young person, I was on the road playing music, so I was getting new environments shoved in my face whether I wanted them or not.
I'm extremely blessed to have the extraordinary mother that I have, and I don't mean Diana Ross, I mean the mother. My mom paved a road that didn't exist, as did Oprah.
How many millions there are who don't want to go to Hell, but they don't want to get off the road to Hell.
If the road is not patchy, rough and on a hilly terrain, then the journey is not often worth undertaking as all destinations are already enough crowded
A dead end can never be a one way street; you can always turn around and take another road.
The real home of man is not his house but the road. Life itself is a travel that has to be done by foot.
In the early West, law and politics were parallel roads to usefulness as well as distinction.
Part of the problem in politics is that people only look at the next four to eight years: kick the can down the road and say, 'Hey, it's the next person's problem.'
It comes down to building your own world out here on the road. It's who you surround yourself with. My band and crew are really positive guys.
There are invisible people...those who r dont have a money and lying around roads....because our eyes never get them.....
Doing the right thing is often a lonely road
Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.
Can you tell a plain man the road to heaven? Certainly, turn at once to the right, then go straight forward.
In those days it was pretty cut and dry. If you had a record company believing in you enough to cut an album then you had better have the ability to work the album on the road.
I will lead my people by the hand along the road until their feet are sure and they know the way. Then they may choose for themselves and rule themselves. Then my work will be done.
Patents are being used to wage war in the digital world, and as a result, patents have become a toll gate on the road of innovation.
Never do anything when you are in a temper, for you will do everything wrong.
Early numbers are always wrong.