Tennis is a perfect combination of violent action taking place in an atmosphere of total tranquillity.
For the larger interest of humanity, Islamic society presents the safest place on this planet.
I think Miami is such a beautiful, sexy, gorgeous place. I love the people there.
I'm a California girl, and I'd love to restore a sense of place to Southern California.
We all love the environment, but we have placed creatures above people. A rat is a rat.
I mean, I love California, but LA to me is still a strange place.
Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place.
The William Penn Hotel in Pittsburgh... was the place where Champagne Music was born.
Every significant event that takes place in our lives is set to some kind of music.
Fort Smith, being the place of my longest stay, was the scene of my largest medical practice.
Women need a reason to have sex. Men just need a place.
In the hands of the ego, marriage is a prison. It is exclusive. It is a place where people are constantly reminded of their failures and limited by the energies of another person. It is rife with judgment and blame.
As a first movie, 'The Hobbit' is not a bad place to start.
We're at this place where we're pushing the next stylistic envelope.
I come from a place where I find it hard to identify with a label.
I won't eat in a place that has suits of armor.
The only place I'm recognized is at the mall, because that's where the teens are.
Fear, is a horrible place to live in, and much worse die in.
The descent to Hades is the same from every place.
I get to fish a lot of wild and wonderful places on tour.
What drew me to acting in the first place was disguise.