My favorite place in the whole world is Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
Theater is a verb before it is a noun, an act before it is a place.
Balance is the secret of reaching the far places!
Be it a house, be it a car or be it a little motorbike, there is always a place for the family!
There are no flowers in the Moon; that’s why the Moon is a boring place!
In 2025, don't be surprised if a Chinese flag is placed on the moon.
If wisdom is a place, you should be the wisest one to live there..
I like pencil skirts because they hug me in all the right places.
The wound is the place where the Light enters you.
No one likes a person that "should of" all over the place.
I find there's almost no place to put an award that one's quite comfortable with.
As a theater actor I always wondered, 'Is there a place for me in Hollywood?'
Each moment is a place you've never been.
I think it's important to come from a humble place.
There is no place in a fanatic's head where reason can enter.
Even schools for Negroes, then, are places where they must be convinced of their inferiority.
O me, this place is hell.
That last day does not bring extinction to us, but change of place.
Places change all the time, and the type of people who live there change.
Work place romances always seem to get very confused and peculiar, in my experience.
I don't think the only place to fight for freedom is in the halls of Congress.