I mean it," I said. "You're in danger." "Relax, Harry. I'm not letting anyone lick me, and I'm not looking anyone in the eyes. It's kind of like visiting New York.
First of all, I’m not a ‘military type.’ Second, I never proclaimed to be a gentleman of any kind. I just like the facts straight up. There’s no bullshit to wade through to get to the truth." Dylan
His knowledge was not far behind The knight's, but of another kind, And he another way came by't ; Some call it Gifts, and some New Light. A lib'ral art, that costs no pains Of study, industry, or brains.
North Carolina has a monument to [Peter Francisco], and no one knows that. That's the kind of stuff that drives me.
She was this girl I once knew. Took my breath away, she was so pretty. Took my heart, if you want to know the truth. I was kind of angry about it at the time.
Ben Says: Help change our world...spread kindness around each day. You will make a difference! Timothy Pina Bullying Ben
Before you leave this earth make sure you reach out and touch one’s soul with your spirit in kindness. Make a profound difference in humanity.
How did you kill the Ashman in the forest last year?” “I shot him with an arrow.” “What kind of arrow?” “A sharp one.” Nate rolled his eyes. “Really, dude? A sharp one?
Some people do polarizing the religion against science. I use both to solve a problem with two different kind of approach.
If humor and rumor are needed more than faith and truth, then it tells me something about the kind of world we live today.
If we presume that the boundary of the universe is a kind of surrounding wall, then we think like ancestors who thought there's abyss at the edge of flat earth.
❤️Kindness is a virtue that requires the least amount of effort and which can make the greatest profound difference throughout humanity!
I tried all kinds of approaches: sexy, friendly, intimidating—nothing worked. I’m starting to think there’s an invisible force field that prevents honest communication between X and Y chromosomes.
Live happy, practice kindness, generate love, teach peace, stay grateful and in all that you are and do...be great.
An Ounce of kindness always goes a lot further than an ounce of bitterness. So sprinkle it every time you can.You always can!
For magic to exist, it must be shared. Always remember to pass along your kindness to others... A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.
I think sometimes when we find love we pretend it away, or ignore it, or tell ourselves we’re imagining it. Because it is the most painful kind of hope there is.
We all know we're going to die; what's important is the kind of men and women we are in the face of this.
Attraction is so much more than a pretty face. It’s face is passion, attitude, kindness, & faith.
Being sensitive and kind are admirable pursuits…and so are knowing when you’re being taking advantage of and simply walking away.
Such kindness wasn't a gift but a goad, scraping against one's skin like a yoke of thorns. She would have preferred him stiff, defensive, even offensive.