Let this circumstance of our constitution therefore be directed to this noble purpose, and then all the objections urged against it by jealous tyranny and affrighted superstition will vanish.
WhatsApp will bring Facebook another billion users. We will be a billion-user product. Whether there is a direct valuation or an indirect valuation, there is value, and Facebook understands that well.
My first inclination is to be a bit skeptical about the claims that human-produced carbon dioxide is the direct contributor to global warming.
There is no doubt ISIS poses a clear, direct threat to the United States, and decisive action is badly needed.
It may be no surprise that Pittsburgh has direct flights to London, Paris and Frankfurt, but consider this: many of the tourists here have come from Europe to the capital of culture in the Alleghenies.
George W. Bush brought a lot of minorities into his administration, which was a positive thing, and they had some issues that they wanted to press, but 9/11 really gave them direction. It gave them a purpose.
An external electric field, meeting it and passing through it, affects the negative as much as the positive quanta of the atom, and pushes the former to one side, and the latter in the other direction.
Youku Tudou kicked off 2014 in a positive direction. Mobile has become the number one screen for Youku Tudou, and we are the undisputed leader in all of the important mobile video traffic metrics.
If you ask an Irishman for directions, he might be quick to answer, Well if I were going there, I would not start here.
Practicing medicine is not only my vocation, it gives me an opportunity to continue to be in direct contact with people, to see them and hear their needs.
One of the things I enjoy about being young is learning from my elders without them giving direct advise.
I'm producing more, but I think to direct, one has to have a burning desire, and that's not me. I'd rather do something else.
I've always been more natural at doing hosting things: reading teleprompters, taking direction and asking questions... I'm actually able to perform a little bit.
The Russian people have unilaterally made their choice in direction of democracy in the early '90s. They will not be led astray. Nobody should be having any doubts.
It's better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you'll drift in that direction.
When I start writing a novel, I have no sense of direction, no idea, really nothing.
The Spanish troops returned and we could yet discover the grass beaten down in the direction which they went.
When obstacles arise, you change your direction to reach your goal; you do not change your decision to get there.
The Savior knows people by name, He knows their circumstances, and He directs us in our work to bless the lives of individuals.
The system is not really particularly amenable to filmmakers who write and direct their own work. It's much more about the studio already having a property that has a marketable concept and then hiring the director on board.
It's a lot of work that goes into producing and directing and all those kinds of things. It doesn't just happen. It's a lotta work. It's a lot more work than acting.