Men use thought only to justify their wrong-doings, and words only to conceal their thoughts.
VoltaireThe idea that we're going to win this war is an idea that unfortunately is just plain wrong.
Howard DeanIsn't it interesting that all of the biblical prophets and psalmists were poets?
The Contemplative Pastor: Returning to the Art of Spiritual DirectionYou’re my true north. No compass would point me in any other direction but to you.
Crashing Back DownBut the scent of the good is blown against the wind: A good man perfumes all directions.
The DhammapadaLike the sun, life spreads its light in all directions. :)
El manuscrito encontrado en Accra + Once MinutosWatson: "You may be right." Holmes: "The probability lies in that direction.
The Hound of the BaskervillesIf the Almighty directs our steps, we've no need to look back over our shoulders.
Here Burns My CandleThe path to your dream is more about following a direction than arriving at a destination.
The Art of WorkHer stare was direct and unwavering, full of confidence earned from painful experience...
Brother Odd